Friday, January 6, 2006

The Friday Five! Late New Years Style!

In the spirit of still recovering from everything New Years (as in I've got a thousand things to do at work!) I present the Courage Friday Five Belated New Year's Edition!

This fabulous five finds freedom, fortunately (how about THAT alliteration!), after a week's vacation in my mailbox. Our provider today is Amanda, of HEY I'M COUNTRY and Journal's Editor fame! Stop over, thank her, and give her some love!


Hold up! I forgot to promote the first player of last week's (ok, ok, two weeks ago!) Friday Five! While our first comment was from Gabreael, of Gabreael's Body, Mind, and Spirit, the first player last time through was the wonderful Laura! One of the first people I encountered in J-Land (Laura is now an AOL refugee in one of the many blogspot camps that dot our borders), Laura is kind, compassionate, caring and always much fun! She's patient and determined and her laughs, loves, sorrows and triumphs will make you wish YOU were a part of her family! Leaving AOL after the ad scandal, Laura has not left our community. She is a fabulous person! Check her out!

Now, for those of you that haven't played before, all you have to do is answer the five in the comments below or in your own journal (but don't forget to link back here!). The first player of the week will have her or his journal promoted next week!  Also, we always accept questions or themes from our players! Enjoy!


1. What is your most memorable New Year's Eve experience?

A tough question. I haven't done anything particularly stupid on New Year's Eve, so that's a good thing, but let's go with the last six years, shall we? Every year, Jillian and I travel to be with friends of ours for New Year's Eve. We spend that time together and then, on New Year's Day, we gather with their parents, friends and family for a delightful New Year's Day dinner, complete with pork and sauerkraut!

Then, after dinner, the real festivities begin. It is the annual boys vs. girls Trivial Pursuit World Championships! Going into this year's game, boys were down 3-2, but came back to win game six (can you believe we've done this six year's now?!?!) and force a game seven next year! We are a dynasty, baby! Yeah!

2. What is your most embarrassing New Year's Eve experience?

How about when I laid down on the roll away bed and it went crashing to the floor because I'm such a fatty? :)

3. What is the most ridiculous New Year's resolution you have ever tried to make?

No cursing. Please. F that!

4. If you could make a New Year's resolution for anyone who and what would it be?

Pat Robertson - that he would think before he spoke.

5. What are your plans this New Years?

See number one :). It went off beautifully, and thankfully I didn't have a repeat of last year's living hell with my parents!



Thursday, January 5, 2006

Ambien Zoloft Days

Furious yawns
and the gnawing tension of
rigorous deadlines

Written off for lack of sunshine.

No escape from
this common pestilence of
golden ring fatigue

And ambien zoloft days.

Wednesday, January 4, 2006

The Wednesday Reflection

Good morning folks! It's time for our Wednesday reflection! For those of you not familiar with this tradition, you can supply a quote, passage, reading, etc., and we reflect on it in our journals (with a link back to this post), or directly below in the comments. Today's reflection is on the following quote:

Nature does not bestow virtue; to be good is an art.
     Seneca (B.C. 3-65 A.D.)
     Roman Philosopher, Dramatist, and Statesman

So are we innately good or bad? Do we have a tendency to do good or evil? I agree with Seneca in that it takes hard work for us to stay good, and to be good every day, but I'm not so sure that we find ourselves inclined one way over the other by nature. I do believe that our world is disordered due to our own sinfulness, and that we are born into a state of sin by nature of our humanity, but I also believe we all have the capability to be good if we so choose.

What do you think? Let us know!

Tuesday, January 3, 2006

Bend over - it's time for your monthly checkup!

Well folks, I seem to have lost all the ground I made in November with this journal. If you remember, at the end of November, my journal rang in at a nice $47,000 and change. Unfortunately, it appears that with the great exodus (because it's clearly NOT my writing), my journal has depreciated in value to exactly its October level of:

My blog is worth $34,436.94.
How much is your blog worth?

How have you done? Gone up? Down? Please tell me that I'm not the only one to lose value!!!


I know it is only 9:14 a.m., but I have decided to unleash my idiocyncricies on the world. Having been tagged by a number of you (Angelia got me first!), I will submit to my punishment without (too much) complaint.

These are the rules of the game: You must write a journal entry listing those weirdnesses you possess ~ as well as the rules of the game... Then, you select five people to tag and link their names/blogs in your entry... Go to their journals and leave a comment informing them they have been tagged by you and to read your journal to see in what way they have been nailed...! Those five then MUST write an entry listing their weird habits and tag an additional five people...

And here's my five weirdest habits:

1. When I am stressed, my left eye constantly twitches - if you pay attention you'll see my eyelid continually flutter
2. When I correspond with someone I use an old-fashioned ink well, stylus, wax and seal
3. When I golf (the only sport I currently play), before every shot I pretend that my arms are like water, loose and fluid
4. I LOVE to go the bathroom (1 or 2), becuase it gives me the shivers
5. When I eat a lot of food, I pretend my stomach has emergency chambers that I can open or close at will to hold more chow!

And, in the spirit of making everyone unveil their strangeness, I tag:



Monday, January 2, 2006

Welcome the New Year

Good evening everyone. After experiencing significant technical delays (read emotional wreck after Christmas in Connecticut: The Charley Horror Story and The Anniversary: 365 Days of Not Speaking to M & D) we are ready to resume our regular broadcast schedule.

Significant thanks to Amanda of HEY, I'M COUNTRY, for picking me as a journals editor pick, and to all of my regular readers for all your prayers, best wishes, and support. Your kind words are a true blessing.

My apologies for missing last week's Friday Five. Let's chalk that up to said technical difficulties and pretend like it didn't happen *wink*. I'll not belittle the omnipresent 'Five' and post them on Monday, but rest assured we have a 'Late New Year's Edition' all lined up and ready to go for this week.

I'm feeling a bit pithy tonight, so I think I'm going to forbear the atypical reflection often found here and instead simply give thanks for a new year.

Last year tested my small family, but as this year begins - I'll be a robust 29 - I know how many good and wonderful things are to come. As Mary said, "My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord." Even though I am a small little speck of dust in a very very big universe, I am unconditionally loved by God and others and that provides all the strength I could ever need.

So as these seven weeks of Christmas get underway, repeat the sounding joy, and be glad! Tomorrow is another day, the day, to live our lives as we have always yearned to do!


Today's One Minute Reflection and Word of the Day are provided by

I can understand how you love your country and your people so much, and that, in spite of these ties, you long for the moment when you will cross lands and seas – far away – for your heart is consumed by the thought of the harvest.

– St. Josemaria Escriva, The Way, #812

Acrimonious (adjective)
biting, harsh, caustic