Sunday, April 30, 2006

All the news not fit to print - 4/29/06

From the who cares about losing our civil rights and support some ridiculous Patriot Act department.

You deserve to be caught because you are just plain stupid.

When will people realize that packing yourself like a sardine is not a good idea.

And really, who cares!

Tag: FBI, theft, ferry, britney spears

Sunset from Little Round Top Part One

Sundown from Little Round Top Part 2


Saturday, April 29, 2006


Thank you to all the well-wishers and friends who have left supportive comments on my journal and encouraging emails in my inbox. I have just now read the comments of the last week or two, but not your emails. I don't share this to be rude, but honest. I will read your kind words and reply. I do not know when I will read my emails.

I think the greatest difficulty with the word 'when' is its implied inevitibility. The only other possibility of 'when' is never, if not a particular time. Never is a foolish word. There are few things in this world that are never going to happen.

When will I return to posting? When will I return to reading my bible? When will I begin writing reflections in my journal? When will I pray? When will I stop being selfish and living as I want to live, not as God wants me to live? When will I have the strength to be the man God calls me to be? When will I find the courage to forge my way into a new career? When will I stop hiding from my friends and family? When will I finally call my parents and my grandmother? When will I stop lying to myself and faking my low utterings and latent anger? When?

When the courage to take action is greater than my pride. When I extend my hand to humility, not ignorance. When I am driven by neccessity.When the guilt I feel for pouting like a two year old suffocates and breaks my will. When?

The other problem with 'when' is that the truth of any situation requires us to answer 'when' with utmost reverence. 'When' is a binding contract. We commit to a moment when we answer 'when.' The answer to my 'when' should be 'now,' should be 'right now.' 'When' is an oath, 'when' is a mirror that we either break in reckless abandon or stare into with resolve, or fear. So, when?

I started this entry with the intention of saying I am away, gone away and I fly from what I know is right to hide and lick my wounds. I tried to write my goodbye and I tried to justify it with 'when.' I'm a liar. I can't say goodbye, but I'm too prideful to say hello and I'm sorry.

When is inevitable. I'm laughing at myself, typing here, because the simple answer is now. Now is the time to be me and ride on a sunbeam to light and happiness. I am crying a bit, now, because now means I'm here and back, when I wanted to leave. Free.

This is a strange entry, I know, but in being ready to leave I find I'm ready to stay.

Time to play some golf, pay the bills, and maybe watch the Yanks on T.V. When? Now.

Thanks. I'm sorry.


Wednesday, April 19, 2006


She's back. Don't miss her. Link to JaZada's Journal - she's amazing.


More substantial post coming later when my minds rubber band is tied back together. It's snapped at the moment and laying limp on the floor.

Monday, April 17, 2006


I give hope to others and keep none for myself.

Tomorrow is the last day and then what - nothing? something?

What is left but an empty husk?

Sunday, April 16, 2006

The Saturday Six

Patrick's Weekender has the next edition of the Saturday Six ready for our answers.

Here are this week's "Saturday Six" questions. Either answer the questions in a comment here, or put the answers in an entry on your journal...but either way, leave a link to your journal so that everyone else can visit! To be counted as "first to play," you must be the first player to either answer the questions in a comment or to provide a complete link to the specific entry in your journal in which you answer the questions. A link to your journal in general cannot count. Enjoy

1. Did you give up anything for Lent, and if so, did you succeed in giving it up for the entire time so far?

I gave up cursing...and sort of :)

2. Do you do anything to celebrate Easter? Is there any specific food that makes up your traditional Easter dinner?

Absolutely. Spiral Ham.  Yummy.

3. How much cash do you have in your wallet/purse right now? Is this more or less cash than you actually carry?

0 - and it's the same :)

4. You have the chance to spend a week as a character in either a comedy, a drama, a soap opera, a science fiction show or a murder mystery. Which would you choose and why?

A drama - because that's what my life is anyway :)

5. SECOND CHANCE TO BE FIRST TO PLAY QUESTION #2: Here's your chance to be the first one to answer the original six questions in Episode 6 from May 22, 2004. For this question, leave your answers in a comment here.

Gotta skip this one this time! Family here for Easter.

6. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #88: Think of your earliest memory: Is it a good one or a bad one? If you had the chance to witness yourself at that time, would you want to?

Maybe - my family seemed a little happier then...or maybe it's just because I forgot the sad times?


Saturday, April 15, 2006


By the blood of the cross we are washed clean and faith will see us rise on Easter morning dedicated to living out our Christian promises.

Friday, April 14, 2006

The Friday Five

It is time for the Friday Five, courtesy of the folks over at Livejournal. To play, answer the five questions below in your journal and link back here in the comments, OR just post your answers in the comments - either is fine. I will pimp the first to respond. Today's entry is a chance for all the photojournalists out there to show their talent.

For the second week in a row, our winner was Amanda, of HEY, I'M COUNTRY. While Amanda and I have been finding it impossible to connect in a way that doesn't release all of our stress on the other unfairly these last few weeks, there is great comfort in knowing that someone somewhere is pulling for you nomatter what. That's the kind of person she is - she'll never give up! Let her do that for you, too. Go visit.

1. What is your favorite photo?

I don't have a favorite photo, per say, but the one I am most proud of is an early 1900s panoramic black and white, three feet by one foot, of my College as it existed in the 1890s.

2. Who took the photo?

I have no idea, to be honest.

3. If you could photograph anything or anyone what/who would it be?

Tiger Woods playing golf. Amazing.

4. What makes a good photo?

If you can make us see something captured in time.

5. Which do you prefer: digital or print?

Print, all the way.


Thursday, April 13, 2006

"Through me is the way into the woeful city; through me is the way into eternal woe; through me is the way among the lost people. Justice moved my lofty maker: the divine Power, the supreme Wisdom and the primal Love made me. Before me were no things created, unless eternal, and I eternal last. Leave every hope, ye who enter!"

- Dante


I am lost in my mind and cowering beneath my prideful blankets of sin and deceit. I am embracing the demons who tear me to shreds because their pain becomes my pain and I can hate myself for being so weak.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Tuesday Two

Patrick, from Patrick's Place, has posted his Tuesday Two meme. Check it out!

Here's how to play:


If you could block traditional mail from a single sender, (and it couldn't be a company that you currently legitimately owe money to), which company would you select and why?


The cost of mailing a letter now stands at 39¢. How much do you think is too much for postage for a single letter? What amount would be the cut-off at which you'd stop sending letters, or is there any amount that would make you stop completely?

Choose A or B, (indicate which question you're answering!) then either answer the question in a comment or answer it in your journal and include the link in a comment. (To be considered "first to play," a link must be to the specific entry in which you answered the question.)

My answer: Question B:

This is going to sound crazy, but I am a fanatical devotee of the USPS. I LOVE the postal service. I will always send letters. Correspondence is a lost art form. Letter writing and mail used to be such a crucial part of our lives, and no easy thing to send and receive, either.

We take for granted now the manpower and relative ease with which we use the post. Ours is also amazingly cheap and reliable, even for a first world country. I use their priority mail, express mail, regular mail, and I LOVE the self-service kiosk as well. Heck, when it comes to letter writing, I use a stylus and ink well. I have a stamp and wax seal set and even gold powder for my seal.



Tag: Tuesday Two

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

All the News that's not Fit to Print - April 11, 2006

1. Remember War Games? Good movie, right? Maybe WWIII is closer than you think. (BBC News)

2. Oh Captain, my Captain. And he's hot. (AOL News)

3. I don't care how old she is...SHOW A LITTLE HUSTLE! (AOL News)


I have not been feeling like myself lately. I haven't even had time for family or friends since Father Phil's passing.

Have I misplaced my emotions? I don't even know who I am anymore.

There is no time for myself, for reflection. Even my insomnia and night terrors turn the aching hour of staring at the ceiling before sleep into an endless black hole of silent screaming.

And I keep coming back to hope - it is elusive and hard to grasp.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Monday monring question

Kristina hosts the Monday Morning Question - check it out!

Monday Morning Question

Do you have a traditional Easter dinner?  What is it?

My answer:

Jillian and I make a spiral ham with a family recipe handed down to us from our recently deceased pastor. His mother made it that way, he made it that way, and now we make it that way. It's fabulous.

Yukon gold mashed potatoes, fresh green beans, corn, fruit cup, rolls, carrots, and some sort of cake for dessert.

Tag: Monday Morning Question

The Sunday seven

Greetings everyone.

Patrick, from Patrick's Weekender, hosts the Sunday Seven.

Name up to seven things you enjoy doing during a thunderstorm.

Either answer the question in a comment or answer it in your journal and include the link in a comment. (To be considered "first to play," a link must be to the specific entry in which you answered the question.)

My answers:

1. Standing on the porch, watching the lightning strike.
2. Stand in the rain and feel it pound my hair.
3. Hold my arms out as the wind flies through the trees.
4. Holding my wife, as she huddles in the lightning.
5. Track the storm by sound and time between strike and clap.
6. Just sitting on the couch near an open window
7. Listen to the rain smack the concrete.

Tag: Sunday Seven

Sunday, April 9, 2006

All the news that's not fit to print

1. Let there be light...and there was. Just don't try to get a license. (AOL News)

2. When the bomb drops you can say, Charley told me so. (Boing Boing)

3. Impractical? Yes. Dumb? Yes. Expensive? Yes Time waster? Yes. Want one? Yes. (Engadget)

4. If he gets mauled by a Cheetah, I call shotgun. (People)

5. Little bunny ipod hopping though the forest, scopping up the mp3's and blasting out your ears! (CNet)


Tag: news

How selfish are you?

You Are 50% Selfish

You are quite balanced. You are able to compromise when it's in the best interests of those involved.
But you're no pushover. If something is important to you, you'll get it!

The Saturday Six

The Saturday Six is a meme hosted by Patrick, over at Patrick's Weekender. It's great to play! Just answer these questions in your journal and post back to his comments, or leave your answers in the comments on his journal.

1. Researchers in France have announced that they have developed a "mirror" that uses digital technology plus user input about diet and exercise to determine what you will look like in 10 years. So if you found yourself before such a device, would you want to have a look?

No way - not at all. Why depress myself?

2. Have you done your taxes? If not, when will you finish them?

I'm done with state and federal...just have local to do! I know they need to be done this week!

3. Has the amount you owe or the amount you're getting back (or what you expect the outcome to be) likely to get you to change how much your employer withholds? Why or why not?

Nah - mostly because I am leaving my employer in only a week and change (anybody got a job for me?)

4. Take this quiz (if you haven't already!): Should you quit your job?


Your Job Dissatisfaction Level is

Your job is a total bummer, and probably the worst job you've ever had.
Your co-workers stink. Your boss is a jerk. And your company is probably in trouble.
Think about finding a new job quickly, even if it's just a not-so-great transition job.
You've got to get out of there as quickly as you can!

5. SECOND CHANCE TO BE FIRST TO PLAY QUESTION #1: The Saturday Six began on April 17, 2004, on the old version of "Patrick's Place" over at AOL. When everything moved here, the old comments weren't able to follow. Cdmmw of "I've Got A Fever, and the Only Prescription is More Cowbell" already has a first "link" to her questions on that entry. But for the rest of you, here's your chance to be the first one to answer those original six questions in a comment. For this question, leave your answers in a comment here.

6. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #87 from springsnymph: Suppose you're given a box containing a substantial amount of money and it's yours to keep and use however you wish. If and when you open it to retrieve the cash, someone you don't know in another state, country or perhaps even across town will drop dead instantly. This will happen only the first time you open the box. Would you open it?

No. I cannot kill someone.

Friday, April 7, 2006

Today's News Roundup

All the news you wished you missed!

If you're anything like me, you know you played with yourself until you were long in high school.

Ever have to go so bad, you pinched it off?

You know, some people keep the dumbest they really think everything will work out?

She can sing. She has all the looks, and you know you hate her just because you're jealous...and now she smells good!


Tag: Mariah Carey, Toilets, Legos, Tigers

The Friday Five

It is time for the Friday Five, courtesy of the folks over at Livejournal. To play, answer the five questions below in your journal and link back here in the comments, OR just post your answers in the comments - either is fine. I will pimp the first to respond. Today's entry is a bit of a carryover from yesterday's Thursday Thirteen. Chow time!

Last week's winner was Amanda, of HEY, I'M COUNTRY. Lately Amanda, while suffering from a little potty mouth and a seemingly passionate obsession for sex and shoes, is revealing more and more about who she is every day. The woman is becoming an open book - and you know she's a page turner! Head on over and check her out!

1. Do you like chicken?

Absolutely - any way you make it. With the way it holds flavor after a good marinade or a coating with good seasoning, you can't go wrong. BRING ON THE CHICKEN!

2. What is 1 food you can't live without?

Anything on a cow. Mooo. Moooove onto my plate you bloody heap of deliciously sweet butter tasting red meat.

3. Are you an early bird or a night owl?

Early bird all the way. I'm comatose in the afternoon and therefore unable to eat. That poses a problem.

4. Chocolate or vanilla?

Vanilla is bland. Plain. Useless. Chocolate is good for your heart, the caffeine helps your brain, and frankly, it tastes way better. It runs in my veins.

5. Are you more of a cat person or a dog person?

I am actually becoming more of a cat person. I love my kitties. And you don't have to pick up their poop.  How cool is that!




Tag: Friday Five

The year is 1984....

And we find ourselves here...

  • Don't think it will happen? It's not far off...someday, you too will be tagged like an animal:

    Thursday, April 6, 2006

    False Hope

    What is it about hope that makes me hate myself?

    Why does the anticipation of another day fill me with dread?

    What is the point of living a life I cannot control?

    Who has real enthusiasm at the prospect of failing to no end?

    Is the opportunity for one right decision enough to make a sun's rising worthwhile?

    Tag: poetry

    Today's News Roundup - April 6, 2006

    In the world of news...

    1. If you wanted a motorcycle before today, you're going to want one even more now. (Engadget)

     2. Extra, extra, read all about it! This just in - there WERE no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq! And he allowed a leak! Is he really that stupid? (ABC News)

    3. I know it makes me woozy, flirty, and a little off kilter, but I had no idea it beat out Miracle Grow! (AOL News via AP)

    4. Oh, yay! Another news story about a screwed up celebrity - I don't feel quite so bad about myself, now!


    Tag: news, alcohol, eminem, misc., Bush, technology

    The Thursday Thirteen

    Greetings, everyone. The Thursday Thirteen is a meme hosted over at Laura's place, Adventures in Juggling:

    To play, simply list thirteen somethings and link to her site :). Today, I will list thirteen things that I would like to be eating, right now:

    1. 24 oz. Porterhouse steak
    2. Beer-battered fries
    3. Pizza
    4. Edy's double fudge brownie ice cream
    5. Coldstone Creamery's Oreo Overload with chocolate ice cream
    6. A Hershey's special dark candy bar
    7. Hot wings
    8. Bacon
    9. Chicken Fried Steak
    10. Corn meal chicken
    11. Dove chocolate
    12. Oatmeal Cream Pies
    13. Frozen Devil Dogs


    Tag: Thursday Thirteen

    Wednesday, April 5, 2006

    Your Daily News Roundup

    From the "This makes me sick to my stomach" department: They better find out the truth about these guys.

    The latest submission from the "Pigpen" crew: I like my kids filthy.

    This just in: Nipples don't matter any more.

    An editorial about addiction: It's not crack-cocaine, but it's close.

    And it's finally been proven: Guys love donkeys.

    Tag: News, Blackberry, Movies, Health

    The Wednesday Reflection

    Afternoon, gang,

    Here's how the Wednesday Reflection works - I post something, give a little bit of a reflection, you post the SAME something but then add your OWN reflection. Then, link back here in the comments.

    Spread the word!


    A wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends.
    Baltasar Gracian

    An intriguing quote, I find this to be true only AFTER my enemies have done something to me to make them my enemies! There have been plenty of occasions where a situation or event reveals someone to be an 'enemy', and in all those circumstances I have learned from whatever resulted. Of course, I do not always remember what I learned, or if I do there is no guarantee that I put it into practice, but the general principle holds true.

    Good reason to keep your enemies closer than your friends, I suppose, or as Michael Corleone says, "I don't need to destroy everyone, Tom. Just my enemies."

    Your turn!

    Tag: Wednesday Reflection

    The Tuesday Two

    Found over at Patrick's Weekender:

    For those who have never played, the rules are simple: I offer two different questions, both related to the same topic, but you only choose one of them to actually answer.

    Carly of "
    Ellipsis...Suddenly Carly" was first to answer last week's question for the third week in a row. Congratulations, Carly!

    Now, onto this week's choice of questions. And remember: don't answer both questions!


    When you over-indulge, what do you most often enjoy too much of? How hard have you tried to avoid over-indulging in this particular thing?


    Consider something that you have over-indulged in before: How do you define what your limits are, and more importantly, how do you make sure you don't cross them?

    Choose A or B, (indicate which question you're answering!) then either answer the question in a comment or answer it in your journal and include the link in a comment. (To be considered "first to play," a link must be to the specific entry in which you answered the question.)

    Remember:choose one or the other...not both!

    Let's see...

    I am going to go with option A. I do love to over indulge when I eat. My portions are WAY too big, my desserts are a REQUIREMENT and I can eat ALL THE TIME. I mean that it doesn't matter what time of day, what I just had before this next meal, or if I even need to eat. How hard have I tried to avoid over indulging with food? Well, when I go on a healthy kick, I'll change all the rules and even exercise. Then, I'll get to my desired weight and loosen up a bit.

    Tag: Tuesday Two

    Tuesday, April 4, 2006

    I don't officially know

    I don't officially know anything that you know,
    that I know you told me all about ages ago.

    What I do know is that by officially not knowing what i do know I save myself from the fear and insecurity of officially making mistakes.

    Is it right? Is it just?

    I mean...looking at this situation, it's best to distinguish between this clearly defined and observable behavior, and unsubstantiated rumors heard through the grapevine. I'm sure if we look at our minutes we'll discover an opportunity to protect our position and organization from future litigation.

    So cover yo..check through your minutes, and, oh, by the way, who are we screwing? Oh! Smith, Johnson, and O'Reilly? Well, they don't produce anyway.

    I do know that.

    Tag: poetry

    Today's news roundup: 4/4/06

    Here is your roundup for April 4, 2006:

    From the "Are you really going to try and stuff that enormous bag into an overhead compartment department": Taking a flight soon? Happen to be going on Delta? Might want to think again!

    From the "World is going to hell and we spend way too much time worshipping celebutanuts columnists": You know she'll look good in black and white when covered in filth - but does she even understand charity?

    For the "Geeks R l33t" department: Your dream job is with the Census Bureau!

    And from the "There is hope the world ISN'T going to hell, save the children" section: Two Kids enter - ONE KID LEAVES! CAGE-MATCH SPELLING BEE 

    Tag: Spelling Bee, Census Bureau, Paris Hilton, Delta

    Doing what is right

    I was sitting in a meeting today and whlie most of what transpired covered usual topics, the last bit delved into obscure semantics.

    It seemed everyone involved hoped to secure their own well-being even if it meant clouding truth and rationalizing behavior.

    This upset me and caught me off guard because in meetings with these people I have always been frank.

    I know that I have the same fault at times and with different people and in different situations, but this meeting covered crucial issues and impacted the future of a number of people, and sadly it appears to be a growing trend with this group. I'm wondering what drives us to respond to one another with falsehood in these situations. I know that there are times I do the same and it bothers me that I do when I see in Psalm 106:

    Happy those who do what is right, whose deeds are always just.

    I see situations like this meeting unfold and it makes me sad, anxious, upset, and worried all because I feel out of control. I try to steal control when I refuse to do what is right and just around others, and really, what's the point?

    Is it inevitable that some people will always twist reality to their own advantage? We know that right is right and wrong is wrong, so why even get upset when others do this to us when we do it to others? Some strange sense of injustice?

    Tag: right, bible, christian

    Monday, April 3, 2006

    Late Night Waiting

    Late night waiting in the glow of Yankee lights
    leads my mind to wonder, "Why haven't I wrote?"

    Why do I avoid pen and paper even when I suffocate?

    I write to be free, to reach for encouragement, to see without scales or blinders.

    I want them to fall from my eyes when I lift my pen.
    I want warm relief as putrid sludge pours out of my mouth. I want to empty the vacuous, rotten hole of mute filth, spewing it up through my torn throat.

    I want to be free.

    I need to reach out and hope someone will lead me, walk with me,
    as I release the mute demon whose hands tighten my throat.

    As for now - the Aflac duck swims serenely in the pool and the shining lights of
    Valvoline motor oil and cable vision leave me no hope and no voice, and waiting.

    Tag: poem

    Slow to Anger

    I have been feeling perplexed now that I've resigned from my job. With a little under two weeks before my time at Gettysburg ends (barring a transfer or re-hiring in another position) I really do not know what I want to do professionally if I cannot work in higher education administration.

    I very much want a job that is available in our career development office at Gettysburg and it would make perfect use of my talents, but should that offer go to someone more deserving, what then?

    Do I return to event planning? Do I look for a fundraising job elsewhere? I'm just not sure how things will unfold, really, and that's the source of my frustration.

    I'm not depressed about the future, or even upset if I don't get this position in career development, but I will be at a bit of a loss as to what I should then reach toward.

    Anybody have any ideas, or know of any job openings in the south-central/northern Maryland area? :).

    I am happy, however, that I've not become angry during any of this process. I am very much at peace with the proposition of leaving my current job. That is a victory for me, given my struggles this past year and a half. I'm buoyed by a passage I recently read in Proverbs, 20: 11:

    It is good sense in a man to be slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense

    Whether professionally in my recent decisions, or the last six months with my family turmoil, I am happy to have withheld harsh words and instead turned the other cheek in love and faith.

    That, more than any job, is worth all this change.


    Tag: Faith, Christian, Bible

    America Online changes name

    This just in: America Online has changed its name and corporate status - not particularly troublesome, though moving to an LLC does give it interesting share holder options....

    Tag: AOL

    The Sunday Seven

    And here is the Sunday Seven from Patrick's Weekender. To play, visit his site:

    Name up to seven different computer programs that you'd hate to live without.

    Either answer the question in a comment or answer it in your journal and include the link in a comment. (To be considered "first to play," a link must be to the specific entry in which you answered the question.)

    Good question! Here we go!
    1. AOL Explorer - the widgets and features make it better than Firefox
    2. Wireless Internet - my router at home is invaluable
    3. Microsoft Office - that way I can get Word/Excel and all that jazz into one answer!
    4. AOL Suite - a near GM beta that has great features. I use it all the time!
    5. Media Player - for my MLBTV
    6. Adobe (the actual writer, not the reader - invaluable tool!)
    7. AdAware - I can't STAND spyware.

    Thanks, Patrick - great topic!

    Tag: Sunday Seven

    Monday Morning Question

    The Monday Morning Question, courtesy of Sometimes I Think:

    Where did you meet your spouse?  If you are not married, where would you like to meet your spouse?

    This is a fun one! Jillian and I met when I was just 16 and she six months older. I went into the local grocery store and applied for a job as a clerk/bagger/produce guy. I happened to go to her at the register to ask for an application. She handed me a paper towell! I smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I asked for an application." Jillian got all nervous and said that she thought I asked for a napkin. :).

    I got the job and she and I flirted on and off for a while. Finally, it was destiny: after all those casual hand touches when bagging groceries, taking the long way to the back room and popping in on days off when I happened to know she was taking a break, we got together.

    And the rest, they say, is history.

    Tag: Monday Morning Question

    Sunday, April 2, 2006

    Your Daily News Post

    Hey everyone - I did my daily news search, and here are a few fun ones for you:

    A few years back, before the Iraq war, I read an article in the Washington Post. A Washington insider said that, "Everyone (in the Pentagon) wants to go to Iraq, but the real men want to go to Iran." Don't believe it? Here's one more in a long story.

    Think identity theft isn't a problem? Think again.

    And just for fun - trailer trash.

    Tag: news



    The Saturday Six

    1. Assuming you have a DVD player and a show you used to enjoy becomes available on DVD...what is the deciding factor on whether or not you'll actually buy it?

    Well, for one, is it availabele in streaming media? IN2TV has a great number of shows like that. Then, the question becomes whether or not I can just take it out from the library, or a video store. As much as I love Seinfeld, 5 straight hours of him can be a bit much.

    2. What do you find generally more offensive: the average prime time television show or the people who want their own personal standards of decency to be the guidelines the networks must follow?

    Tangent: I don't find either of those irritating. I find the amoral and profit driven decisions of the executives who put both the show, its cast, and the viewers in the morally difficult decision.

    3. If you were in charge of the FCC, which of the following would be your priority when it comes to decency on the airwaves: cutting down on violence, sex or profanity?

    I would cut down on sex first. Unfortunately, our society is beginning to mix violence with sex in ways that are unhealthy. If we can move sex back from that, if we can return some modicum of genteel respect for women, then we may see violence more easily contained.

    4. Take this quiz(if you haven't already!): What horrible Edward Gorey Death will you die?

    What horrible Edward Gorey Death will you die?

    You will perish of fits. Repeat this to yourself: "Things can work out even if I don't get my way. Things can work out even...."
    Take this quiz!

    Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code

    5. One of those crazy remodeling shows appears at your door one day and offers to redo any room of your house or apartment for free, but that it can only be one single room that gets a makeover. Would you let them in, and if so, which room would you choose and why?

    Absolutely - i'm in a one bedroom shanty - redo our living room/kitchen/dining room combo! :)

    6. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #86 from cdmmw2: Do you recall your first kiss? Did you think that kissing was worth all the hype??

    Oh yes - with Jennifer Gray - she was so beautiful! WOOT

    The Saturday Six

    The Saturday Six come from Patrick's Place. You can follow this link and play in your own journal!

    1. Assuming you have a DVD player and a show you used to enjoy becomes available on DVD...what is the deciding factor on whether or not you'll actually buy it?

    Well, for one, is it availabele in streaming media? IN2TV has a great number of shows like that. Then, the question becomes whether or not I can just take it out from the library, or a video store. As much as I love Seinfeld, 5 straight hours of him can be a bit much.

    2. What do you find generally more offensive: the average prime time television show or the people who want their own personal standards of decency to be the guidelines the networks must follow?

    Tangent: I don't find either of those irritating. I find the amoral and profit driven decisions of the executives who put both the show, its cast, and the viewers in the morally difficult decision.

    3. If you were in charge of the FCC, which of the following would be your priority when it comes to decency on the airwaves: cutting down on violence, sex or profanity?

    I would cut down on sex first. Unfortunately, our society is beginning to mix violence with sex in ways that are unhealthy. If we can move sex back from that, if we can return some modicum of genteel respect for women, then we may see violence more easily contained.

    4. Take this quiz(if you haven't already!): What horrible Edward Gorey Death will you die?

    What horrible Edward Gorey Death will you die?

    You will perish of fits. Repeat this to yourself: "Things can work out even if I don't get my way. Things can work out even...."
    Take this quiz!

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    5. One of those crazy remodeling shows appears at your door one day and offers to redo any room of your house or apartment for free, but that it can only be one single room that gets a makeover. Would you let them in, and if so, which room would you choose and why?

    Absolutely - i'm in a one bedroom shanty - redo our living room/kitchen/dining room combo! :)

    6. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #86 from cdmmw2: Do you recall your first kiss? Did you think that kissing was worth all the hype??

    Oh yes - with Jennifer Gray - she was so beautiful! WOOT

    Saturday, April 1, 2006

    Do you have trouble sleeping or pouring ketchup? Then don't drink the soda!

    Very interesting study on folks who might be a little sleepy in the afternoon...

    Have trouble pouring ketchup? Here's how to do it the right way!

    And whatever you do, DON'T DRINK THE SODA!


    Tag: sleep, ketchup, soda