Friday, June 23, 2006

The Friday Five - Feel Good Style!

Sorry for being AWOL, folks. Life's been rather....tumultuous. I hope to have a post this weekend for everyone.

For now, the Friday Five:

The Friday Five makes its third consecutive appearance after a long hiatus. For those of you that haven't played before, all you have to do is answer these five questions in the comments below or in your own journal (but don't forget to link back here!). The first player of the week will have her or his journal promoted next week. Also, we always accept questions or themes from our players! Enjoy! Last week's entry can be found here.

Last week's first player was Patrick, of Patrick's Place. Patrick is the nicest, most sincere and well-meaning person I've met in a very long time. I first came upon his journal nearly a year ago, and since then he has been supportive and when needed a kind ear. He is always there for you when you need him, without condition. This is a rare thing indeed. And with that, this week's Friday Five

1. What is the one outfit/piece of clothing/accessory you own that makes you feel incredibly good whenever you wear it? Why?

I'm going to have to go with my navy blue suit. I always garner a compliment or two with it, and looking good always attracts some curious looks from the right people.

2. What do you do to make yourself feel better when you're in a funk?

Golf. A round of 18 is a glorious way to let off some steam. Of course, killing innocent civilians in Hitman: Blood Money is also another slightly more violent option.

3. Has anyone ever surprised you in a way that let you know you were special? How?

My former spiritual director would, time to time, ask me to help him with different tasks. These moments were special to me because they couldn't be predicted and opened up a part of him to me that other people never saw.

4. When you are having a "good day," how do you spread the happiness to others?

Smile and look people in the eye. Sometimes it takes a lot to do that on a busy day, even if you feel good. It's a rewarding way to share joy, though.

5. What is one thing that puts you in a bad mood, no matter how good you were previously feeling?

When my PTSD hits me without warning,which it has a horrible ability to do, at any time of the day or night. You can go from no anxiety to paralyzed instantaneously. That fear is so gripping, so real, that sometimes your heart feels like it will burst from your chest.


Tag: Friday Five

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

More updates coming soon, but for now, how gross are you?

You Are 52% Gross
You're more than a little gross, but probably no more gross than the average person.
Maybe it's time to drop some of those disgusting habits that could eventually embarrass you!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

The Friday Five - Vacation Style!

The Friday Five makes its appearance two weeks in a row; please, hold your applause. <giggle> For those of you that haven't played before, all you have to do is answer these five questions in the comments below or in your own journal (but don't forget to link back here!). The first player of the week will have her or his journal promoted next week. Also, we always accept questions or themes from our players! Enjoy! Last week's entry can be found here.

Last week's first player was Dawn, of Carpe Diem. Seize the day she tells us, because every day is a precious gift and a chance for us to make a difference in the lives of the people that love us the most and that we love in return. It's a chance to make a difference in the lives of people you do not love, and that love you. Dawn teaches us that life is love, no matter the quality of the other, her journal shows that they too, need our love. And on we go!

1. What is (or would be) your dream vacation?

Easy! I would travel with the Yankees for the ENTIRE season - away, home, wouldn't matter. How much fun!

2. What's one thing no vacation can do without?

An atlas. If you don't know how to get from here to there, go get a map. Don't argue. Don't huff. Don't puff. There's no point. She's right and you are lost.

3. What has been the best trip of your life so far?

In 2001, three other adults and myself brought twenty-two of my students to the Yucatan peninsula for a strip studying the ancient Mayan civilization. That moved my heart and soul.

4. Who was with you on that trip and what is the role of that person in your life?

Jillian, Jon, and Lori were all chaperones. Mariana was our tour company liaison (she was amazing) and her husband drove the company bus. I had twenty-two students, of which, only six were boys. INSANITY

5. What's the worst thing that can happen during a vacation?

Car/transportation issues. I HATE traveling there. I just want to BE there. I'm becoming a much greater fan of trains for that very reason.

Enjoy folks! Don't forget to link back!

Tag: Friday Five

I'm Italian on the inside and I obsess how much?!?!?

From Blogthings:

Your Inner European is Italian!

Passionate and colorful.
You show the world what culture really is.

 Who's Your Inner European?

You Are 52% Obsessive

You're somewhat obsessive, especially when it comes to a couple things (like horrifying thoughts or cleanliness).
As long as your quirks aren't interrupting your life, it's all good.

Will, mortals, and job interviews

[Author's note: As I prepare my portfolio for an upcoming interview, I am less likely to return comments or e-mails. I will do my best to return them promptly. Thank you for understanding.]

Many of you commented that I need to make a conscious effort to set my will aside and let the power and grace of God's will act through me.

I read these short lines from Psalm 119, 8-9:

Better to take refuge in the Lord than to put one's trust in mortals. Better to take refuge in the Lord than to put one's trust in princes.

In a world of increasing independence, cynicism, hate, intolerance, and moral relativism, I find these two sentences remarkably cheering. In clear erudition we are reminded that we must give ourselves only to one person in life - God. We will give to Caesar what is Caesar's, but we must also give to God what is His.

This gives great strength during moments of fear, stress, and even anger. Anyone can find a way to take their very human emotions and give them to God for help and safe keeping.

Tag: faith, God, Christian

Community prayer list reminder and job update

Please remember to submit any prayer intentions you have for the upcoming week by noon Monday. I will send out an email to the prayer list Monday afternoon. Information on the prayer list can be found by using the links to the right.

My job hunt continues. I may not be posting much until Monday afternoon; I have a follow-up interview for a one-year position Monday morning.

I hope that more than my own, I will choose God's will.

Thursday, June 8, 2006

The Thursday Thirteen

Laura, of Adventures in Juggling, hosts the Thirsday Thirteen. This meme has many players, is easy, and a way to showcase what is really on your mind.

To play you need only list thirteen items in your journal. Your list can be on any topic you choose. When finished, link your entry back to Laura's journal.


Thursday Thirteen things I'd like to purchase after finding a new job:

1. A new computer
2. A resuce hybrid 3 wood
3. A new putter
4. A new reel for my fishing rod
5. A new car bra
6. A new pair of blue shorts
7. A watch
8. Wedding Crashers
9. Syriana
10. Tickets to a Yankee game
11. Tickets to a Harrisburg Senators game
12. A harness for my kitties
13. A new strainer

Tag: Thursday Thirteen

Wednesday, June 7, 2006

What emoticon best describes you..right now

From blogthings:

Your Emoticon Is Laughing

You've got a wicked sense of humor. You're everyone's favorite IM buddy... at least today!


If you grew up in dairy or cattle country, or even spent a good bit of your life there, you have probably heard of cattle mutilation and abduction. If you want to become a witness to these abductions simiply visit this site.

I promise that no animals were harmed in the writing of this entry.

Kudos to netgirl for first finding this site.

Tag: cattle mutilation, cow abduction

Tuesday, June 6, 2006

Apocalypse? Revelation? Just go to Mass

[Authors Note: I am working through my alerts; I will get to your journals. Please be patient.]

A few readers have asked my impressions about the impending end of the world on 6/6/06. Honestly, I don't think anything will happen because God has too great a sense of humor. He'd probably pinch it on us on some random Thursday.

More importantly, in my faith the book of Revelation speaks of a far more spiritually deep and profound experience than the end of the world. It's the collision of Heaven and's Revelation and it's the Mass.

Scott Hahn, a noted theologian and doctrinal expert, has a fabulous book on this subject titled, "The Lamb's Supper." I post two reviews below:
The Lamb's Supper: The Mass as Heaven on Earth reawakens a surprising ancient view of the Eucharist, as the harbinger of the supernatural drama described by the New Testament book of Revelation. Catholic theologian Scott Hahn thinks that many worshippers receive the sacrament of communion without ever considering its links to the end of the world, the Apocalypse, and the Second Coming. Hahn wants to change our minds; he wants us to know that "The Mass--and I mean every single Mass--is heaven on earth." Literally. So, Hahn declares, "Now heaven has been unveiled for us with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ ... Jesus Christ Himself says to you: 'Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with Me' (Rv. 3:20)." Hahn's enthusiasm, as evident even from these short quotes, is considerable--and infectious. Furthermore, he delivers his arguments with great levity (demonstrated in chapter titles such as "Oath Meal"), which makes The Lamb's Supper quite a tasty read. --Michael Joseph Gross

From Publishers Weekly
As with his earlier Rome Sweet Home, Hahn's The Lamb's Supper seeks to bring scriptural exegesis and Roman Catholic ritual tradition into fruitful dialogue. The central thrust of this piece is that Catholic liturgy offers the best interpretive paradigm for studying the Book of Revelation. Hahn divides his subject matter into three main sections, considering in turn Scripture in the canon of the Mass, various interpretive approaches to the Book of Revelation and the mutual illumination of the Catholic Mass and John's Apocalypse. Apart from vapid section titles (e.g., "Guided Missal," "Resisting a Rest" and "The Need to Heed the Creed"), which detract from the serious themes presented, Hahn treats the material quite competently, and he is candid in his enthusiasm for both biblical liturgics and liturgical exegesis. Hahn's work is a fine introduction to eucharistic theology for the Catholic layperson, offering a crash course in the history of sacrificial worship in ancient Israel. The book has an ecumenical appeal, especially for Lutherans and Anglicans desiring to better acquaint themselves with Catholic ritual and the New Testament. The only consideration noticeably absent from Hahn's liturgical review of Revelation is whether the doxological splendors of the Mass are marred or made manifest in the hastily prepared English translations of the Latin Rite issued in the wake of the Second Vatican Council. (Oct.)
Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc.

Sunday, June 4, 2006

Ten things that make me say, "Life is good!" EDIT: added those I have tagged

Carly, of Ellipsis...Suddenly Carly, tagged me to play a delightful meme where I must list then things that make me say, "Life is good!" So, here we go!

1. Keeping score of a ballgame. It is amazingly relaxing.

2. Notting Hill, a fabulous Sunday afternoon movie.

3. The Eucharist. I love receiving communion.

4. Golf. God's happiest when his children are at play and every course is a creation of beauty and love.

5. The color green because it reminds me of life, growth, and renewal.

6. A twenty-four ounce porterhouse steak, cooked medium-rare.

7. Coldstone Creamery ice-cream. You pick every aspect of your creation and it tastes like sunshine.

8. Corn on the cob slathered in butter on a hot summer day.

9. Fishing, a new sport that I'm beginning to love.

10. Reading National Geographic, because it reminds me of how wonderful our world is every day in every corner of existence.

Now, I tag Nat, Amanda, Laura, Lily, and Christy

Saturday, June 3, 2006

From Blogthings:


Your Bumper Sticker Should Be

If you can read this, I can stop suddenly and sue you

All the news not fit to print, June 3, 2006

Oh no...another one.

I am so glad that he's clean.

l'll get you , my pretty!

Ever lose your wallet or purse?

I'm waaaatching you!

Saturday Six, a nice-cool-day style

Patrick, of Patrick's Weekender, hosts 'The Saturday Six.' To play, answer these six questions in your journal or blog and then link to his entry.

1. Have you made any plans for summer vacation? Will rising gas prices have any direct impact on your plans? Jillian and I haven't made any plans for summer vacation as we just took a trip for our anniversary.

2. What quality do you hope most readers will observe in you through your primary blog? This is a hard question. I think I write hoping to find courage in others that I can borrow. I hope others see the imprtance of always searching their minds and souls for good and truth.

3. What quality do you think you possess that comes through the least effectively through your primary blog? Faith.

4. Take the quiz: Who were you in high school? All American Kid

Popular but not plastic. Athletic but not a jock. Smart but not a brain.

You were well rounded and well liked in high school.

5. What logo or message is on the last container you drank from? Diet Pepsi.

6. You find out that a co-worker you consider a close friend is stealing supplies from work. You know that if you tell your boss, your friend will likely be fired. If you began to think that your boss suspected that you might be the person stealing the supplies, would you tell on your friend? I would tell my co-worker that they needed to stop stealing or else I would be obligated to tell our supervisor, particularly knowing that being aware of his/her stealing is grounds for my own dismissal. Doing the right thing is not the easy thing.

Tag: Saturday Six

Friday, June 2, 2006

The Friday Five, '80s style!

After some urging, the Friday Five is B A C K!

For those of you that haven't played before, all you have to do is answer theses five questions in the comments below or in your own journal (but don't forget to link back here!). The first player of the week will have her or his journal promoted next week. Also, we always accept questions or themes from our players! Enjoy!

1) Favorite movie of the 1980s? Without doubt it is Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Not only did it take the 'action' genre to a new level, Harrison Ford is h-double-o-t.

2) Favorite musician/group of the 1980s? U2. Let us not forget their saving rock and roll with their breakthrough album, The Joshua Tree.

3) Favorite TV show of the 1980s? I have to stick with Mr. Belvedere. I loved the way that portly ole English chap buttled.

4) Favorite invention of the 1980s? Can there be any question?!?!? Nintendo!

5) World Event from the 1980s that stands out in your mind? The very first world event that registers in my consciousness is Ronald Reagan infamous 'Evil Empire' speech. He redefined international relations, the Cold War, and the future of two nations in that one moment. While many took offense, in this country and around the world, that moment is the very first time I became scared of dying. Nuclear war between the super-powers was still a tangible threat that pre-occupied political and international relations. I remember being afraid of the bomb and afraid of nuclear war. Here's his speech (prompted by the Soviet downing of Korean Air Flight 007:

[L]et us be aware that, while [the Soviet leaders] preach the supremacy of the state, declare its omnipotence over individual man, and predict its eventual domination of all peoples on the earth, they are the focus of evil in the modern world.
. . . .
So, in your discussions of the nuclear freeze proposals, I urge you to beware the temptation of pride - the temptation of blithely declaring yourselves above it all and label both sides equally at fault, to ignore the facts of history and the aggressive impulses of an evil empire, to simply call the arms race a giant misunderstanding and thereby remove yourself from the struggle between right and wrong and good and evil.

Tag: Friday Five

Weekend Assignment # 114 - things you like now, but not then (EDIT: Player now works)

John Scalzi (By the Way) posted this weekend's assignment earlier today. To play we have to name a thing we like today, that our younger selves would probably roll our eyes at. People, places, things, ideas, philosophies -- all of it is up for consideration.

Extra Credit: Name something you didn't like then that you still don't like now.

For me, I have to say the easiest answer is golf. I adore this sport now and loathed it as a child and teenager. I swore that I would never play this 'old person's' game. I'm not even thirty and I am addicted. I have been addicted from the first swing I took, ever, on the first tee at Caledonia public golf course.

One of the most memorable sporting moments I have ever seen happened during a fabulous round between Chris DiMarco and Tiger Woods during the 2005 Master's Championship at Augusta National in Georgia. In a bunker, twenty-five feet from the cup on the sixteenth hole, Woods held only a one stroke lead. He made a spectacular chip, thrilling the crowd and adding to his already intimidating mystique. Watch it and see if it gives you chills like it does me.

Tiger Woods mock Nike commercial, Augusta 2005

Extra credit: Lima beans. Ick.

Thursday, June 1, 2006

Thursday Thirteen, June 2, 2006

Weekly memes provide me with a sense of stability and comfort. I particularly enjoy those that have high participation rates, such as those found at Patrick's Weekender. Laura, of Adventures in Juggling, provides another superb meme titled, The Thursday Thirteen. To play you must list thirteen somethings in your blog. There is no rhyme or reason to what you can choose, but after you make your post be sure to leave a comment in her journal.

Yesterday I made mention of a particular passion of mine, scoring baseball games. While that also makes me a dork, it allows me to leave you my thirteen favorite baseball players.

1. Lou Gehrig - the Iron Horse
2. Derek Jeter - only the eleventh captain of the New York Yankees
3. Bernie Williams - has played his entire professional career with the Yankees
4. Donnie Baseball - you might know him as Don Mattingly
5. Cal Ripken - he played hard, every day
6. Stan 'The Man' Musial - quite possibly the best all around player, ever
7. Jackie Robinson - the epitome of class and dignity
8. Mariano Rivera - the best relief pitcher, ever
9. Edgar Martinez - the consumate professional hitter
10. Albert Pujols - the best baseball player in the world today, and quite possibly its best person as well; a true role model
11. Satchel Paige - born in 1906, the famed Negro League and Major League pitcher (he pitched competitively on a regular basis until 1957) was one of the best pitchers of all time
12. Babe Ruth - the first larger than life sports figure
13. Bob Gibson - he was so good that baesball had to change the rules..or so rumor has it!

Tag: Thursday Thirteen