't be one long weekend. As some o' ye know, I work in Development as a fundraiser, an' this past weekend Gettysburg celebrated Homecomin'. That means I had a high end donor bonanza Friday night fer hours upon hours, followed by a social at a local establishment wi' o'er one bucketfull o' loaded t' th' gunwhales rowdy swabbies an' grog prices far too high fer me. Saturday included lunch schmoozin', football game, more reception work, more donor minglin', an' finally a trip homeport. On Sunday 't be all I could do t' pretty much lay me hade on th' bunk. Nay fun, folks, nay fun. I wanted this entry t' be longer, but I’m so tired, I be havin' t' leave 't at this: Do nay let yer work take o'er yer life
1 day ago