Via Dawn - every answer must start with the first letter of your first name.
Your Name: Charley
Famous Music artist/group: Coors, The ;)
3 letter word: Cat. I have two of them, Ulysses and Shiloh. They show up in my journal every now and again.
Color: Canary
Gift/present: Cap, as in baseball :).
Vehicle: Corvette, or the Corsair.
TV Show: Crossing Jordan.
Country: Congo
Boy's Name: Carl.
Girl's Name: Constance.
Alcoholic drink: Car bomb.
Occupation: Car Salesman
Flower: Crocus.
Celebrity: Charlie Chaplin.
Food: cuscous.
Something found in a kitchen: crockpot.
Reason for Being Late: car sickness.
Something You Shout: CRAP!