Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Be Transformed!

During my morning reading, I foud this passage:

Do not conform yourself to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, so that you may judge what is God's will, what is good, pleasing and perfect.

Last night I was talking with a friend of mine, David, and he and I talked about this very topic. There is so much in our world, in what we are asked to do and how we are asked to compromise our values, that clouds and impairs our focus, vision, and judgement.

One of the reasons I pray the Liturgy of the Hours (seven prayers said throughout the day) is to help me stay focused and to center my day around reflection and peace, not the deadlines creeping up on me, or the goals I have to meet by fiscal year end. I think about the horror and depression I see on the news, or the ever-present ethical depravity of those that suffer and I realize a world focused on itself and not on something greater is a world that suffers from cannibalism.

This passage challenges all of us, regardless of faith or belief, to renew our mind, refocus ourselves so that in the middle of this screaming, blinding, flashing, cacophony we can slow ourselves down, find patience, and make moral and ethical decisions that do not compromise who we are.

Do you compromise too much? I know I do, pretty much every time I open my mouth. I know that I should be kind, generous and patient, and not criticize or be cruel with my words, but I find the opposite much easier. I can nag about my colleagues, embroil myself in ridiculous office politics, and fester in stupid anger over pointless arguments.

How do you find focus? How do you renew your mind to find out what is moral, right, and true?