Thursday, July 7, 2005


If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink ~ John 7:37

I know that people of different faiths and religious background read my journal, and I know that some of my readers do not believe in a higher being at all, but people, I think, share common values and common social mores and values. Among these is a willingness to serve and help others.

While Christ speaks literallly of himself in this passage, as the wellspring of eternal life, there is a useful message for all of us in his words. Are we a life gving well for others, or do we waste time being hurtful, self-centered, and petty.

I, for one, wish I were more of the former, as opposed to the latter, but sadly that is not the case. In an age where violence and terror drive men, women, and children to extrememes, all too frequently we turn a blind eye and close ourselves off from others.

To what end? For what purpose? A well, if not used, becomes stagnant, poluted, tepid, and full of disease. So must we, therefore, be careful stewards of the wellsprings of our own souls, values, and ideals. We must not hoard them for our own selfish ends, but share them with others so that through shared purpose and common goodness we make our own small environment a better place to live, learn, and practice our faith, whatever it may be.

As Christ is the wellspring of my soul, let me be the wellspring for others, not to give eternal life, but to share the glory of the good news and encourage others to drink from the Lord's cup.

Failing that, let me be a wellspring of good virtue to set an example for others of every faith, so that together our religions and faiths grow closer together as we all strive for holiness and goodness!


Question 69

Did you have a bicycle and what was it like?   Tell about riding it.  Where did you go?

I remember my first bicycle well - it was a red Huffy, with a basket and a banana seat. Man, that thing could fly! We used to race down Powder Horn lane and I would always place in the top two or three with that bike (in a good sized neighborhood of kids!). As I aged, I saved up $400 and bought my first mountain bike in 1991. I took that bike over cliffs and down hills, through forests, and actually ended up cracking my head against a rock (thank goodness for the helmet!). Such fun! :)