Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A few housecleaning notes - in the left hand pane you will see a series of journals - if you want to appear here, please let me know - I ask only a return link on your site. If you are already on the list you must email me and tell me you want to stay.

Due to my own issues and problems, the unofficial hiatus of the prayer community is now official. I'm taking a three month sabbatical from the prayer community - it will return in time for the new year. All relevent links will be left in the window to the right, though their location will change.

There are several useful tools in the right hand tool bar - AIMPage profile, Technorati Profile, a Newsgator subscription button, as well as our frappr map community and our map of just where courage readers hail from. You'll also see a ping-o-matic link as well - a great site for pinging the major blogrolls that you've updated.


Drooping eyes fall on fat sticky fingers
and find nothing of any real worth but for writing's sake.

Beneath them tewenty empty lines taunt me to fill them
with whatever drivel and pointless commentary I might muster.

An empty page is a lonely, hateful beast
whose piercing accusations bring anger, doubt, and
impatience to fruition.

Screw them. I am worth more than nothing.