Sunday, October 15, 2006

The greatest moment in the history of sport

The many loyal readers of Courage are a competitive bunch. They send me emails and comments begging me to attend their feats of athletic prowess and domination. Through them I have learned what desire, ambition, and dedication can do for a hungry soul.

I am proud to say that over the years I have internalized this amazing drive to excel, becoming a member of the greatest sports team ever assembled, The Men's 2006 Trivial Pursuit Team.

There are few who can claim performing on this high level, and even fewer who have tasted success against the best in the world. I am one of those few. Our team has faced and beaten its demons and we have stared the King of Board Games, Trivial Pursuit, in the eye, never blinking. We have claimed our third straight championship against the 2006 Women's Trivial Pursuit Team.

In the world of competitive board gaming there are few who equal us, and none who exceed our combined talents and skills. Our victory in 2006 garnered such fame and fortune that we became the focus of fans, sponsors, and Hollywood.

I am proud to present to you today, the world premiere of the greatest seven minutes in cinema, Miracle II: The Story of the Men's 2006 Trivial Pursuit Team.

Watch. Listen. Learn. Share.

The greatest event ever in the history of sport is now immortalized in the greatest cinematic event of the century.

Click the 'play' button on the video, watch it, and tell me what you think of our efforts!