Friday, May 5, 2006

Community Prayer List


I've been running into a bunch of folks that need prayers lately, and there's nothing like the love and support and prayers of friends who will in turn lean on you for help.

Here is what I propose:

If you would like to join this prayer ring, send me an email or leave a message in the comments. Every Monday afternoon I will distribute the list of prayer intentions sent in by either those on the list, or those who want the prayer ring to pray for them. Additionally, if there are any emergency prayer requests I will send those out as I find them in my inbox.

To submit a prayer request, just clink the Community Prayer image to the right. It is linked to my email. If you want to be a part of the prayer ring, feel free to put this image in your journal as well (with it linked to my email) with a short blurb similar to what I've beneath mine.

I will repost this every day for the next week or two so that we can generate a good list of people that want to join the prayer ring. Feel free to link to this post in your journal as well.
