Good morning! Here are this week's Friday Five! Last week's first response came from firestormkids, and you can read here at: She's a fantastic woman, who, with her husband has spent many years in Mexico as a missionary. She is currently raising one child, but has a much, much larger family than that. She's cool, calm, reflective, and not afraid to tell you what she thinks. She's a bit of blue sky in a stormy world. Check her out!
As for new readers and old, here's the drill: Answer the five questions below in the comments or in your own journal (which means you have to link the post back here), and if you are the first to reply, I will highlight your journal next week.
1. If you could invite five people to dinner from history, living or dead, who would they be?
I love these questions :). I'd have to go with: Gandhi, Lincoln, Buddha, Christ, and Frederick Douglass.
2. Why have you chosen these five individuals?
I would have chosen Gandhi, Buddha, and Christ to hear their discussions on faith and truth, and hear them attempt to come to some resolution about faith and God, about religion and our deep seeded need for spirituality. I would invite Lincoln and Frederick Douglass for two reasons - first, Lincoln is my idol (dorky, I know!) and second, Douglass was a man of great moral principle. I admire that so much, and I wish I had his zeal. I would like to have his passion and I would like to learn all I could from him.
3. What would you serve for dinner?
Oh man....well...beef is out because of Gandhi, and so's anything that breaks the Jewish law because of Christ. I think we'd have to go with Lobster? Or maybe a nice lemon pepper chicken with whole wheat rice, broccoli, and garlic?
4. What would you like to ask them?
See above :)
5. Do you think everybody seated at the table would get along? Why or why not?
I do - Christ, Buddha, and Gandhi all are passionate about non-violence. Frederick Douglass and Linocln met on several occasions and got along well enough. I don't see either of them picking a fight with the Son of God, the Buddha, or one of the greatest men in the twentieth century, do you?
Have at it, and enjoy!