This week, our Friday Five's are shared with those done by folks over at LiveJournal. As always, please feel free to send in your own Friday Five questions, and we'll post them and promote your journal!
For first-time players, you can either leave your answers in the comments below, or post a link to your journal! All are welcome to play, and thank you to anonymous, who provided last week's theme and questions. Enjoy!
1. How long have you had your Journal?
Well, that's a really good question....I actually had to fire up another window to look. It appears I created Courage on May 17, 2005, however you should know that Courage existed in a previous form at blogger. That version of Courage was formed in August of last year, before I closed down the site, trashed the contents and started fresh here. I truly value the sense of community brought by AOL.
2. What do you consider to be the main purpose of your Journal?
Well, its primary purpose is to provide daily reflections, ecumenical in nature, based on Scripture, that provide us with practical, usable, moral encouragement in our day to day lives. I'll toss in the odd quiz, photo, meme as the mood strikes me.
3. If you could change something about your personal blogging style, what would it be?
I wish that I lived out more of what I wrote, so that my reflections wouldn't be ideals, but actual practices. It makes me a hypocrite, sadly.
4. What are your criteria for adding someone to your friends journal roll?
Just ask. Seriously.
5. Name one thing that you've never before written about in your Journal.
I've tried to avoid writing about politics and the war. I've done my best to make my journal NON political.
Reflection for 10-6 (a day late, I know)
Jeremiah, 29: 13b - 14
Yes, when you seek me with all your heart, you will find me with you, says the Lord, and I will change your lot; I will gather you together from all the nations and all the places to which I have banished you, says the Lord, and bring you back to the place from which I have exiled you.
Life can be unbearable. We all see our personal Hell at different points in our lives, and its vast sadness can drain us of our faith, courage, morality, and hope. We may give in to depression, sadness, tears, anger, agony, pain, or suffering. We may lament our difficulties.
It is hard to do, but this passage reminds us to ask, "What's the point of such miserable self-pity?" If we look to one another, if we hold onto our friends and family, if we seek out help and assitance, we will beable to endure whatever itis we suffer.
Nonone need suffer alone. If we reach out, we will find someone, and when we do reach out, when we grasp for that person whose light shines brighter than the darkness of our own Hell, we will find our crosses bearable, tolerable, and far lighter than we thought.
Putting down our pride to let others help carry our loads, trusting them to not let us fall is a true sign of courage. On days when your personal Hell surrounds your being, look for those that carry the light of friendship, peace, and love. They will help you!